Saturday, May 16, 2009

Circle of Friends

Being an older student does have its perks. I turned 53 this past April and wondered what I was going to do with my life since my termination from my job of 5 years. I have Degenerative Joint Disease and was in dire need of a sedentary job, or so I had been told.

My search of schools took its toll on me but I finally made my choice and am now attending this fine establishment. Monday through Friday I trek to school with my backpack full of my books and eagerness in my heart. I am doing very well from what my teachers tell me...I am thrilled!

Being the new kid on the block I still smiled as I entered the very first day and said hello to everyone that came my way. I befriended two kind souls that have proven to be just that. Helping me along the way and vice versa. We have become true friends in such a short period of time. I have only been a student in that class for almost three weeks, but none the less they accepted me.

Don't get me wrong, I am not a hard person to get along with, just a little skeptical in my old age. Lately things in my life had been getting a little hectic. An elderly mother of whom I live with and try to keep company when time will allow. A car that acts up more than my two sons when they were toddlers. No job, writing a novel, several short stories, none of which were accepted in contests I entered them in. But I am stubborn and I continue to write regardless.

Last Friday my two friends at school and I were helping each other with an assignment. It was grueling but we got through it...together. When the clock struck noon my friends collected their things as I did. We all walked to our cars together wishing one another a nice weekend. Both girls gave each other a hug of which I thought was cute, they knew each other longer so I just waited to say goodbye. Then both of them said in unison, "Cindy, we are going to give you a hug too because now you are a part of our family of friends as well." I cried all the way to my car. It has been a rough ride being an older student and now the younger ones are teaching me a thing or two....I am a student in more ways than one.


Unknown said...

Cindy, this is a wonderful blog. I wish I had friends like that. I talk with my friends, almost never about anything personal, and we never do the hug. Maybe that's why I get along with women more than men. They're more expressive, and I like that.

Cynthia Hernandez / cruizen4u said...

Allen, as your friend I really think this is why you connect so well with women, you have a kind spirit and a tender heart. I am glad we are friends so here's a big hug from me to you! ((((Allen)))). LOL
Thank you for the support and have a wonderful day!

Cindy Hernandez

Anonymous said...

I love it! Being friends with you is wonderful. You know what the best part is? Knowing that you care and love me just as much as I do you. It's great to know that there are still beautiful people out there. Lucky me!!! I got you. God truly has blessed me. Love you Rosalinda